2025-03-20 NCS: Jeff W2JCL
Incident: THOR
Send Winlink Check-in and Check-out to W2JCL;LAXNORTHEAST
Send Winlink Severe Weather (WX) Reports to W2JCL;LAXNORTHEAST
Multiple Weather Reports requested: Initial, Update, Final
Send any other form you want to try to W2JCL;LAXNORTHEAST
Use APRS to set check in and out and set availability.
Training Notes (by K6OLI):
Key Takeaways
✅ Operators sent 22 Severe Weather Reports with a CC: LAXNORTHEAST
✅ Digital frequencies were busy, but operators listened before they transmitted for the most part, thus avoiding collisions.
❌ Date-Time: Some stations may have loaded previous forms entries without updating the Date-Time.
🗺️ Locations: Please check that your location is where you think it is before sending any forms. Measure twice, send once.
Final Thoughts:
This was a fun exercise that added the Severe Weather form as a report option. Those with access can check the live THOR-Board for details.
Great job working as a team and learning! 💪👍

Use the arrows to scroll through the map images.
2025-03-13 NCS: David KK6DA
Incident: THOR
Silent Net: Conduct all communications digitally via VARA FM Chat
Use VARA Chat Chat to send the following To: KK6DA; Cc: KK6DA
Check-in, Check-out & Tactical Broadcast Messages
HAvBED & Resource Request Spreadsheets via Send File direct connection to KK6DA
Training Notes (by K6OLI):
Key Takeaways
✅ Operators listened for clear frequencies. Transmission speeds were pretty fast.
❌ Stations farther out and NCS should try and use digipeaters for broadcast and connections to ensure they are heard.
Final Thoughts:
This was a fun exercise that showed that with a little practice VARA FM Chat nets are an efficient way to run silent nets. Great job working as a team and learning! 💪👍
2025-03-06 NCS: David KK6DA
Follow instructions for the EKC-ARES PERFECT STORM exercise as provided by NCS David KK6DA
Use Winlink to send the following To: KK6DA; Cc: KK6DA
Field Situation Report
PinpointAPRS (optional playtime):
Load digipeater GPX into map
Update your symbol to match your other traffic throughout the net
Training Notes (by K6OLI):
Key Takeaways
✅ Easy exercise for most participants. Good responses all across!
😓 Some operators are loading saved data into their forms. They then forget to update the Date-Time. The result is that their information is logged on the wrong date. This is how many messages get lost in real events!
PLEASE take the time to fill out each form step by step and from scratch every time. The forms are there to help you submit complete and correct information.
Final Thoughts:
This was a fun exercise that supported regional collaboration. Great job working as a team and learning! 💪👍

Use the arrows to scroll through the map images.
2025-02-27 NCS: John KM6TKJ
Incident: THOR
Carefully review and follow the instructions provided by NCS John KM6TKJ.
Send Winlink Check-in and Check-out to KM6TKJ and LAXNORTHEAST.
Use VARA Chat to send:
One ICS-213
One HAvBED Report
One Resource Request
Beacon APRS position and hospital service level
Send an APRS Bulletin
Training Notes (by K6OLI):
Key Takeaways
✅ Teamwork in Action: Despite challenging 2m propagation, several stations stepped up as liaisons—great teamwork!
✅ Strong Participation: We had 8 stations on the net, with all 8 checking in wth LAXNORTHEAST. However, only 3 stations checked out with LAXNORTHEAST—please remember to send your check-out after the net so we can account for everyone.
Areas for Improvement
🔹 Effective Relaying: Think of relaying as a simplex voice repeater:
Station A speaks while Station B takes notes.
Station A pauses, and Station B repeats the message.
Allow time for relay stations to complete their traffic before jumping in.
Relaying stations act as mini NCS and help maintain orderly communication.
🔹 Net Control Best Practices:
Under difficult conditions, a formal net that systematically checks in stations works better than an open net, which is more prone to doubling.
The voice relay station does not have to be the digipeater.
🔹 Asset Logging for Better Efficiency:
Keep track of available digipeaters on a given frequency.
On LAX303, we had multiple digipeaters available:
KK6DA-4, K6OLI-4, AC6LS-4, KM6WJQ-4, KN6SXB-4, KN6PDS-4, N3LO-4
KN6PDS-10, N3LO-10, K6OLI-12, W2JCL-10
With so many options, there was no need to rely solely on KM6WJQ-4, especially since Jason had to switch frequencies.
Final Thoughts:
This was a challenging but valuable exercise that pushed everyone outside their comfort zones, requiring the use of multiple transmission modes—Winlink, VARA Chat, and PinpointAPRS. Great job adapting and learning! 💪👍

Use the arrows to scroll through the map images.
2025-02-20 NCS: Oliver K6OLI
Incident: 156
Send Winlink Check-in and Check-out to K6OLI; LAXNORTHEAST
Download a PDF Exercise by OE1LHP and translate from German to English.
Follow translated exercise instructions, fill out an ICS-213 General Message and send to WLNET-OE;K6OLI; LAXNORTHEAST
Use PinpointAPRS to
beacon APRS position
send an APRS Bulletin
Training Notes (by K6OLI):
Almost all stations created a correct ICS-213 from the translated instructions. Well done, team!
We had 8 stations on the net and received 8 check-ins and 7 check-outs. Please remember to send your check-outs, even after the net!
APRS Bulletin: only two stations sent the optional APRS bulletins 😢
Challenging exercise that pushed people past their comfort zones and asked for multiple modes of transmission, i.e. Winlink and PinpointAPRS.👍🏻

Use the arrows to scroll through the map images.
2025-02-13 NCS: Oliver K6OLI
Incident: THOR
Download and fill out a Weather Report spreadsheet with data gleaned from an app, website or local source.
Use VARA FM Chat to
transmit Weather Report spreadsheet directly to K6OLI.
broadcast messages
Send Winlink Check-in and Check-out to LAXNORTHEAST
Use PinpointAPRS to
beacon APRS position
send an APRS Bulletin
Training Notes (by K6OLI):
Overall downloading and filling out a custom form worked.
In some cases people added units (F, in, etc.), which the exercise asked to avoid.
We remind everyone that slow is smooth and smooth is fast. Take your time, read the instructions and fill out the forms so you only have to transmit data once.
4 of 5 stations sent a Winlink Check-in and only 2 sent a Winlink Check-out to LAXNORTHEAST, and 3 and 5 to K6OLI, respectively. ☹️
The exercise asked to send Winlink Check-ins and Check-outs, not Check-ins and Check-outs via Winlink 😉
We asked for Winlink Check-ins and Check-outs to LAXNORTHEAST specifically because our dashboard maps them.
Winlink Check-ins and Check-outs can be viewed on the LAXNORTHEAST Public Board:
The PDF below only shows the aggregated Weather Report data. If you want to see all messages please check the actual VARA FM CHAT Dashboard here: .
Challenging exercise that required the use of multiple modes of transmission, i.e. VARA Chat, Winlink and PinpointAPRS.👍🏻

VARA CHAT and PinpointAPRS Connection
VARA CHAT Broadcasts can also be viewed in PinpointAPRS under "Miscellaneous Reports "
PinpointAPRS Bulletins
Stations send bulletins celebrating World Radio Day via PinpointAPRS.
Use the arrows to scroll through the map images.
2025-02-06 NCS: David KK6DA
Incident: THOR
Send Winlink Check-in.
Go to , identify 3 - 4 World Central Kitchen (WCK) locations in the Pasadena/Altadena area. Send a Winlink ICS-213 General Message with the identified locations to KK6DA, CC: LAXNORTHEAST.
Send Winlink Check-out
Optional: Use APRS to beacon status on LAX 303
Training Notes (by K6OLI):
ALL stations that checked in also checked out! Well done team! 👏🏻
The PDF below only shows the latest three ICS-213. If you want to see all messages please check the actual THOR-Board (regular digital net participants have the link).
Fun and relevant exercise that required searching for and relaying mission critical information👍🏻

Use the arrows to scroll through the map images.
2025-01-30 NCS: Jeff W2JCL
Incident: THOR
Use VARA Chat to transmit a Check-in Spreadsheet.
Use digipeaters as appropriate. AC6LS-4 and KK6DA-4 were used in this exercise
Use APRS to beacon status
Training Notes (by K6OLI):
In an unusual twist NCS Jeff W2JCL could not use his ham computer due to an ongoing Windows Update. All VARA Chat traffic was therefore directed to K6OLI, who shared a folder via the internet, allowing NCS to receive the traffic in near real-time.
Propagation on the 2m band was a challenge during the net. Therefore stations had to make use of digipeaters. Lew AC6LS(-4) and David KK6DA(-4) acted as peer station digipeaters. Se the chart below for traffic flow.
Fun and challenging exercise that required teamwork👍🏻
Use the arrows to scroll through the map images.
2025-01-23 NCS: John KM6TKJ
Incident: THOR
Broadcast VARA FM Chat Check-in, VARA FM Chat Check-out;
Establish two-way connections with KM6TKJ on VARA FM. Receive ICS-213 exercise messages (e.g. this one), return 2 Resource Requests (example here) and a HAvBED report (example here) on the same connection. One of the learning outcomes was to stay connected and receive and send messages on the same connection session.
Update Hospital Service Levels with PinpointAPRS.
Training Notes (by K6OLI):
Stations connected on VARA Chat with NCS, NCS then pushed exercise messages.
Stations had successful two-way file transmission of spreadsheet and Word documents during the same VARA Chat session with NCS John KM6TKJ.
NCS used one simplex frequency to manage the net, another to send and receive digital traffic, which worked very well. Stations with single channel transceivers announced their switching and return. 👍🏻
Digital transmission speeds were high.
Some stations experienced setup issues and which limited their participation.
Fun and challenging exercise 👍🏻
Use the arrows to scroll through the map images.
2025-01-17 NCS: Oliver K6OLI
Incident: THOR
Resource: Winlink Position Reports,, THOR-Board
Mission: Send a Check-in, DYFI, Winlink Position Report, Check-out to K6OLI; LAXNORTHEAST
Training Notes (by K6OLI):
We had more Winlink Check-ins than Check-outs 🤔
Position reports can be moved over time
DYFI looked good!
Reminder: Position reports can be deleted from the Winlink map, but not APRS. They stay on the APRS map for 2 years.

Winlink Position Reports
Noe: some reports had been deleted by the senders when the screenshot was taken.
This is a screenshot from as of 2000 hours on January 16. The Winlink Position reports are noted as a red diamond with a capital P.
2025-01-09 NCS: Jeff W2JCL
Incident: THOR
Resource: Welfare Bulletin Board
Mission: Send P2P Check-in and Check-out to W2JCL; send Welfare Bulletin Board message
Training Notes (by K6OLI):
Welfare Bulletin Board messages had different Incident IDs due to the ongoing real incident. "THOR" was for exercises only, "EATONFIRE" for real event WBB messages.
No Check-in and Check-out data on the THOR-Board because they were sent as peer-to-peer (P2P) messages

PinpointAPRS Map
This is a screenshot of PinpointAPRS as of ca. 1930 hours. APRS with VARA FM on LAX303.
PinpointAPRS Map
This is a screenshot of PinpointAPRS Check-outs as of ca. 2000 hours. APRS with VARA FM on LAX303.
2025-01-02 NCS: David KK6DA
Resource: NOAA Space Weather Link:
Mission: Use ICS-213 to send NOAA space weather information to KK6DA; LAXNORTHEAST
Training Notes (by K6OLI):
all except one station used the latest Winlink Check-in and Check-outs with the new Event/Incident field. Well done! Thank you!
APRS Maps by K6OLI
For stations using VARA FM on LAX303.
Initial as of 1919 hours.
Update as of 1929 hours.
Final as of 2005 hours.
THOR Board PDF Report
Note there are two (2) pages in the report.

Use the arrows to scroll through the map images.