Dashboards & Maps
All data below is made up for purposes of training and exercises.
Any similarities with actual people, sites and data are coincidental and not intentional.
Note: the dashboards seem to work best in Microsoft Edge, Opera and Firefox. Chrome will sometimes return an error "We're sorry! Looker Studio is not available right now. Please try again later."
VARA Chat Dashboard
Demonstrating the effectiveness of combining VARA Chat and Quick Messages for situational awareness. Our radio operators send this information via VARA Chat in a specified format. From there it is aggregated and added into the visualization.
LAXNORTHEAST Digital Net Traffic Dashboard
The dashboards below demonstrate typical traffic from one of our Thursday Night practice nets. Stations sent a variety of digital traffic, for example Check-ins, Did-you-feel-it, Bed Availability Reports and Check-outs. In this case they used Winlink, an email-over-radio program.
Traffic for LAXNORTHEAST is voice coordinated. Depending on the situation net control operates on a repeater or on simplex.
Hospital Bed Availability Dashboard
This dashboard combines bed availability data from VARA Chat and from Winlink. VARA Chat data is sent as industry standard spreadsheets in MS Excel format.
The dashboard demonstrates the data delivery capabilities LAXNORTHEAST has developed. Our capabilities allow for building near-real-time common operating pictures, even when when commercial infrastructure is compromised .
Note: The information is for demonstration only and does not reflect real conditions, names nor phone numbers. Any similarities with actual places and people are coincidental.
This map shows information from our regular digital practice nets. Our radio operators generate the data points and send them via VARA Chat or Winlink. The data is then checked, cleaned, and aggregated to enable visualizations and analyses.
Situational awareness reports are a critical service we provide to our County EMS and hospital partners.
External Sources
We often rely on external sources for situational awareness. For example, we map data available to the public by government agencies to understand how they use and disseminate data.