Earthquake Dashboard
Amateur Radio Community Intensity Map and Dashboard
The Amateur Radio Community Intensity Map dashboard shows volunteer radio operator DYFI reports received via Cc: EARTHQUAKE, including earthquake and exercises.
LAXNORTHEAST in Earthquake Country
The mission of LAXNORTHEAST is to support communications for hospitals and the Medical Alert Center (MAC) during disasters.
Earthquakes are a major hazard in LA County and other parts of California. Any earthquake with magnitude 6 or above is an automatic activation for LAXNORTHEAST with nets being established on LAX103 and/or LAX501.
We therefore pay particular attention to earthquakes. Smaller magnitude earthquakes are a chance to practice sending DYFI reports to USGS and to the local coordinator at Winlink tactical address EARTHQUAKE.
During ShakeOut we also hold exercises that practice our procedures.
USGS Global Earthquakes Past Day 2.5+
The table below shows the USGS earthquakes in California in the past 24 hours with a magnitude 2.5+. The "For DYFI" table shows event ID, event local time in Los Angeles, magnitude, and location. It also highlights events in Sothern California (SoCal).
EventIDs for SoCal earthquakes with magnitude less than 6 are highlighted in Orange.
EventIDs for SoCal earthquakes with magnitude equal to or greater than 6 are highlighted in Red.
LAXNORTHEAST activates automatically for SoCal earthquakes with Magnitude 6 or greater. Proceed to LAX103 (alternate LAX501) and establish a net or join the net in progress.
The authoritative USGS Earthquake Map is here:
For this spreadsheet SoCal is defined as being located between Latitude 33° and 36° North and between Longitude -115° and -122° West .
The "Raw" tab shows public data provided by USGS. The "For DYFI" tab is a calculated sheet that rearranges the data in line with USGS "Did You Feel It Reports?". The USGS UTC time is normalized to local Los Angeles time.
Please allow 5 to 15 minutes for the various data streams to refresh.